
Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Spirt of CHRISTMAS: FREE Printable

Last night the hubs and I and my in laws had the opportunity to go to the  Forgotten Carols. I LOVE this production, and have gone for almost the last ten years. There is nothing like it out there. If you aren't familiar with the story, I would check it out. The basis of the play is an old man that has all these different Christmas ornaments reminding him of different carols that belong to certain people he has met. Each carol is about a person in the Christmas story that you normally forget about or don't really ever put yourself in their shoes. One of my favorites is about the Inn Keeper that turned "the couple" away, and how he felt terrible and ashamed. "I am a man forgotten, No one recalls my name." "I didn't sleep that evening, although I'd sold out my place." "Staring at one bright star in the sky, I heard a baby cry." "I didn't think I could face them...missing my chance to share their joy. I never saw the boy."
I highly encourage you this Christmas season to listen to the songs from this incredible production, and bring the spirit of Christmas into your home. You can listen to the full soundtrack here.

FREE Printable Download

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