
Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Friends, I am getting old...ok maybe not. But believe me turning 24 today seems way older than I feel. In honor of me turning the big TWO-four and because this blog is new I've decided to make this an opportunity to let you get to know me a little better. For better or worse.

1. In the last year I have been a Brunette, Ginger, and a Blonde-don't judge people. I like a little change every now and then...or every three months. No big deal. It's normal.

2. When I met my hubs I knew immediately that I could never date him because he was soooo not my type. I am really good at foreseeing the future. Need your fortune taken? I'm a pro.

3. I love apples, and have one almost everyday if not two a day. Have to put them in the microwave though for about 10 seconds first though. Don't judge.

4. I have one permanent tooth that just doesn't exist, it never came in. So with a gap between two teeth I like to think I could be a pirate. Bummer (or not) its on the side and you can't see it unless I open my mouth real real wide.

5. When it comes to food I have this weird thing about textures. No matter how many times I try to buy yogurt, and pretend I am eating healthy, I only get one spoonful (or not even a spoonful) down before I want to gag. I don't know how you yogurt/pudding lovers manage that much thick creaminess going on in your mouth.

6. I am a cuddle monster...therefore by personal bubble is quite small.

7. I love, love, LOVE cereal. If my husband would let me I would eat it for every meal. He is such a health nut though, I am lucky to get it every couple mornings a week. I mean Lucky Charms, Frosted Mini Wheats, Peanut Butter Crunch, Cinnamon Life, Honey Nut Cherrios, how do you not want to eat these all the time. They are delish.

8. I have played the piano for 19 years. So I guess you could say I'm like Mozart. PLEASE laugh out loud right now, because that was a complete joke.

9. When I was little I really wanted to take gymnastics and I really wanted to go to preschool. My mom told me I couldn't do both and that I would have to choose. Yup. I'm a nerd and chose preschool. Pretty sure it was because I wanted a backpack. My addiction to bags has only grown since then.

10. My family calls me "bean"...don't worry I'm okay being called a legume.

11. I have awesome hair where after I blow dry it I could easily be mistaken as a lion.

12. Oh, did I mention my best friend? The flat iron.

13. I always pretty much order the same ice cream every time we go to Farr's. Bubblegum...does this embarrass the hubs? Let's just say sometimes I have the requirement of getting something else or we don't go. I'm telling ya though, nothing quite satisfies like Bubblegum ice cream.

14. I am a self taught photographer, and have my own business. My moto for life- Challenge Accepted. (If you know what TV show this moto comes from extra bubblegum points for you.)

15. When I was younger I played on basketball and volleyball teams. I'm 5' 2"....sometimes I wonder what my parents were thinking.

16. I ran a half marathon once and told myself I would never do it again. Then I ran another one.

17. You all wish I was turning 17 today and this would be my last comment.

18. Favorite color? White. Let's not have an argument, white IS a color.

19. I am an older sibling and a younger sibling all at the same time, pretty sure this classifies me as awesome.

20. I have a brother and a sister, somehow this makes me double awesome.

21. One time I ate a guinea pig. I highly DO NOT recommend it.

22. I have always loved my belly button. Weird? Ok, fine you may judge.

23. Do I wish I could be a bird? No...who would ever want to be a bird?

24. If you have made it through this whole post then we should probably be friends.

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