
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 FREE printable Calendar

Hello 2014! Welcome to the new year..last night was the first time in a long long time that I stayed up until midnight. Pathetic, I know. But hey I am growing a baby inside this body of mine. Which makes my body scream tired ALL the time. The party was a lot of fun though. So good to get friends together and eat lots of yummy food, play games and drink delicious fruit drinks all night.
Today, is a new day, new year my friends. I made a calendar for all ya'll to enjoy this year. All the lovely pictures come from the website Unsplash...which is beyond amazing. You MUST check it out..they have tons of amazing pictures that are free to use for any purpose. I will soon be printing some of their pictures out for artwork through my home. Can't wait for when we are at that point...painting is taking way too long. Can I please just decorate yet?

Check out these lovelies.. 


art for every month. 

 hang or bind how your heart desires.

Download your 2014 Calendar here.

So for those of you that are really observant you might have caught my error. Unfortuantely, I just barely  did. In all the photos as well as in the download above I have January starting on Tuesday...where we all know that today is Wednesday. Still download above link, it has all 12 months, but also download the new updated and correct January here

Sorry for the confusion. Forgive me?
This pregnancy brain would appreciate it.


  1. Hi Kelsie! First of all, My name is Mariajo, and I’m spanish so excuse me for any grammar mistakes.
    Secondly, I’d like to say that I LOVE your calendar, it’s so colourful and creative that I shared it on my blog here , I hope you don’t mind.
    I don’t have a whole lot of followers, but I wanted the few people who follows me to see it.
    Thank you for this freebie and for sharing it!

    Best wishes!
    My Blog :)

    1. Mariajo! Thank you so much for your sweet comment! I am so glad you liked it, and how kind of you to share it on your blog. Thank you! Hope your new year is treating you well :)

  2. Kelsie, I found your calendar through Pinterest and loved it! Stunning! I shared it on my blog as well -- making sure to give you copyright and of course a link back :) Happy new year!

    1. Chrisit! Thank you for sharing it on your blog, you are so nice. You will have to come back and visit the blog...I'm in progress of making a project to hang your calendar on after its printed :) Thanks again for stopping by AND leaving a comment. I always love hearing from those that actually use my stuff! Have a wonderful day friend!
