
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Creamy Chicken & Potatoes: Crockpot Recipe

Life is so so crazy right now and time feels like its non-existent. We decided last night that we are now going to move into the house before we are finished with all our projects and just live there while we work away. This was DEFINITELY not my first choice, but in the end it really is the best decision for our little family.
So with it being freezing outside..yes freezing. (I swear I am the only pregnant lady out there not warm and toasty...somehow I never got that typical part of pregnancy-high body temperature. Maybe a blessing in disguise?) I decided to pull out the best friend this time of year. Who doesn't love throwing a bunch of stuff in a pot and let it do all the magic and work and still come out with a gloriously wonderful meal. PICK ME. I do. I love my crockpot.
Me and the husband are on a strict budget and so I really didn't want to have to go to the store to buy anything for dinner and so I plugged away at the internet trying to find a good potato and chicken recipe, since we already had these main ingredients. And I found one that we quite liked. Best part being that all the ingredients are ones you probably already have in your pantry. Love when that happens! For the full recipe and directions head over to Po'man Meals.
Can I just say that this made the best leftovers. Me and the husband both thought it tasted even better the second day. So my advice, make LOTS and eat it for another meal!


  1. Can I just say I love that you are blogging again???? So excited to see your cute cute house!

    1. Ha. Thanks Ken :) I can't wait until the house is done and picture worthy! Right now, it is just an utter disaster. We will have to have a get together when its all done.
